Official Workout Things for Official Workouters

It was a sticky hot humid summer morning in the village of Laketope and yet there was a chill to the air, odd because I didn't hear any curly headed snakes slithering by, but alas, we run.

0516 YHC swiftly rolls in as expected on time and ready to roll 

0520 ish, all lube has been applied and shoes have been tied, greetings have been greeted

Blackbae and Lawndart follow our Spiritual Guide and Emotional support animal and turnaround after about 15min just like a good friend and shieldlock mate turning his back on you, it hurt for a min but then we realized all how freeing it was.

Then exactly at the 2 mile mark Calypso stopped abruptly as YHC was closing in, #theplan

9er followed and the rest took it downhill, to the actual turnaround point.

the rest of the run sucked, like Swingstate, but all was well as we arrived back to the cozy domain of Main St Coffee.  Good discussion and good run, just like every Thursday.  Or at least the ones where we are here.

Now, on another note, I was made aware of some rumblings in the Pax about a certain MQ taking on an opportunity to Q a another workout that is on the same day as the workout that he is the MQ.  Some Pax have given this MQ a hard time.  I say hogwash!  If you are a leader, you lead.  And you lead where leadership is needed.  If you have done an excellent job of getting a list of regulars for your workout, and have a strong list of Qs to fill the calendar, then why not take off for a week or two and go help another workout?  The MQ role can be tiresome, having an experienced leader take the Q for a week here and there is an appropriate releif.  Tclaps to you MQs for making it happen week after week.

And another thing, I've heard more and more negativity against OTB workouts or runs.  To that I also say hogwash!  Where do you think we would be if a certain long legged soccer player didn't start an OTB workout from Cornelius over a decade ago?  We would be still working out in Metro!  And I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy…or even Swingstate.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a former Nantan open the other side of his mouth to disparage the good work that is being done here in Laketope.  Moses is probably rolling over in his grave listening to us argue over whether or not an OTB should "count".  And lastly, who told Blackbae he could stop being the IT guy?!?!  Dagummit Zak, you really Bidened this whole thing up didn't you!

All that being said, thanks BEP, for introducing me to my first OTB workout, it changed my life.  If there is a troubled man in your circle of friends who rides little huffy bikes and is unrealistically good at sports (except Jollyball) please invite him to Caboose next week, he's probably praying for it.


