OG returns with a filthy fifty pain clock

FNG -1 is Little Ben.  Didn't find him on the site.


  • SSH X 25
  • IST X 25
  • Girl Fight X 15
  • Cotton Pickers X 10


Indian run to Rock Pile


Pick up a nice rock from the rock pile on the pain clock for the filthy 50

  • Starting at 12 doing exercise at each hour as a group and then running the circle to the next hour (Staying together the entire time)
    • At 12 – Burners  oyo 25
    • At 1 – Rock Curls X 25
    • At 2 – Mericans oyo 25
    • At 3 – Skull Crusher X25
    • At 4 – LBCs  oyo 50
    • At 5 – Shoulder Presses X 25
    • At 6 –Low flutter X 25
    • At 7 – Chest Press laying on the ground with rock X 25
    • At 8 – Ws X 25
    • At 9 –  Rock Curls X 25
    • At 10 –  CDDs X 25
    • At 11 – Skull Crusher X 25
    • At 12 – Rock Squats X 25


Back To the Rock Pile to deposit your rock

Sprint to queen corner

head to the Who tree and there was no time for Mary

I cannot lift my arms to type Moleskin:

  1.  Lots of pray request today keep them all in your thoughts and prayers today.
  2. Skeet Shooting on Saturday leaving 131 main at 8:29.
  3. Man I must be getting older as I have done this workout a few times but this time was the hardest.
  4. My arms are literally shaking as I type this.
  5. Definitely some over compensators out there based on the size of some of the rocks that were chosen.  Not going to mention any names but is rhymes with Loxic.
  6. For all of us Clydesdales out there I have been given permission by F3 mudgear to design a shirt to represent our size.