OGs everywhere

Well when the dust settled we had bear crawled, lunge walked, broad jump burpeed and ran up and down the deck at least 47 times.  Total calories burned, 567,894.  Weather was cold wet and loud.

mumblechatter started out heavy and then just turned into breathing.  There were some threats directed toward me and my family but I will not embarrass Tbone with repeating who they were from.  Scrappy picked up the tab for coffee and the rest is left up to your imagination.  For reference, the blue Indian is a partner WIB.  You start with bear crawling until your partner returns, then you lunge walk, broad jump burpee and crab walk your way around a track or up a parking deck.  Repetitive, yes, easy to Q, yes, depleting of all your bodily fluids, yes.


prayers were lifted for our nation, for our first responders, and for our leaders.  In a frustrating world we live in, with much uncertainty, it's always nice to come and get a beat down with your brothers.  Thanks for joining me today men.

