6:30am rolls around and Laces Out Dojo is unlocked, the lights are low, and the music is soft, it is time to vibe.
Broke, Shake Weight, Clark, and Sonar are ready and they begin, 6:34am hits and YHC joins the party.
- Broke leads some movements something about balls and feet
- YHC leads some movements, dont worry Yogi Bertha I did more than childspose
- Mr. Sonar takes us throw an experimental gautlet that often started with "Im not sure what this will stretch"
- Clark, welcome back to broga brother! Leads us in a "uhhh lets just hold this because im stuck" movement
- Shake Weight battles the big toe gout and leads us through the magic of the hips
Fun times had all around, must of the mumblechatter revolved around balls of your feet, the longing to see bertha again, and Cobra Kai..which we know Will Never Die!
Namaste Gentlemen