Oh deer

Event Date

Nov 07, 2024


Another wet morning provided an intimate grouping of 3 men with a sweaty time. Conversation drifted from the force’s encounter with a deer family on his run over, to whether people actually like eating venison, to whether maybe you should be able to buy a whole deer family from Costco.  We were also visited my no less than 2 deer during the workout And The Force kept making eye contact with the Elk on the church mural. 

The actual workout consisted a warmorama and then sets of 2 exercises threepeatoed until 45 minutes were up, 

5 pull ups, 20 LBCs

10 Merkins, 20 squats

People’s chair with 20 ATC, 20 rocky balboas

15 curls, 15 skull crushers

15 shoulder presses, 20 bent over rows

20 lunges, 20 of a pax choice of Ab exercise

Thanks Force for letting me lead!
