Oh, Heck. I’ll take it.

Event Date

Dec 14, 2022

It was all pretty last minute with posting the PB as the Q, but fortunately 3 faithful men showed and made it all worthwhile.


We decided to hit the business park area and utilized the rocks in the mud ditch and the bars down by 73.

after the usual warm ups,


Area 1 -we did some OH presses, Merkins, Curls (and skull crushers on rounds 2 and 3)

Area 2 – along the rail near 73; single leg squats (and old classic), Inclined Merkins (round 1), Declined Merkins (round 2), Australian pull-ups and calf raises.

On our way back to Area 2 on round 2 we circumvented the building and did some dips on some office weanies’ break area benches.  We cleared out of the area on our way back and did some wall work near the gazeebo before crossing over to the “other side.”

We found some steps near the bakery place (bundt cake or something or other) and closed with some of my favorites – Suzanne Summers (and extra side kicks x 10), Big Baby crunches, Dying cockroaches and closed with some elbow planks.


Nacho Libre promised to start posting more… maybe even become the Master Q!!/??  

We joined with Jersey Boy and had some great conversations about careers, goals (Financial, Fitness, faith).  Deep Dish and I had some Deep conversations about living within one’s means and finding joy in friendships rather than in material possessions.   Thanks men.