Oh hey there Chelsea’s little sister

10 hard-chargers (including Spaulding not listed on the website) evaded the fartsack and were met with a guest Q from Chelsea's little sister at The Blender. Here is their story:


Scrappy, Spaulding & YHC met The Standard for ~3.2 miles 



Mosey to the mostly unused portion of the GCC parking lot

SSH x 25 IC
IST x 10 IC
Carrot puller x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO


Chelsea's Little Sister (Following exercises done as a set EMOM):

Burpees x 4 OYO
KB Press x 8 OYO
KB Swings x 12 OYO
Repeato x 3

Run a lap ~0.25 miles

Burpees x 4 OYO
KB Press x 8 OYO
KB Swings x 12 OYO
Repeato x 3

Run a lap ~0.25 miles

Burpees x 4 OYO
KB Press x 8 OYO
KB Swings x 12 OYO
Repeato x 3

Run a lap ~0.25 miles

Burpees x 4 OYO
KB Press x 8 OYO
KB Swings x 12 OYO
Repeato x 3

Run a lap ~0.25 miles

Burpees x 4 OYO
KB Press x 8 OYO
KB Swings x 12 OYO
Repeato x 3

Run a lap ~0.25 miles


Homer to Marge
Low flutter x 25 IC
Low dolley x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO
Mobility minute


  • New crop of Blender regulars is quickly forming with Razor, Spaulding, & Sunshine all showing up & putting out…strong work gents
  • Wipeout looked ready for more when we circled up for COT…looking strong brother
  • Scrappy crushed all 3+ miles of The Standard & led the pax on the runs…getting back to old form
  • No better start to the day than 100 burpees
  • Thanks to Two Buck for the opportunity to Q at The Blender. Such an awesome morning to get after it with you men. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. If you can get up early and crush Chelsea's little sister then surely you can reach out and bring some light to someone's day today. Look for those opportunities and do something awesome today. Until the next time…

Don Ho