Oh So Mighty, Not Just The Oak

Strong Showing @ The Mighty Oak for a Freezing Post. Took my car for ever to warm up but not this pack of animals I had the pleasure of leading today. 

So as most know I am not in the running for tallest in the LKN area, ha right. And I didn't have the best day yesterday so I broke out he angry elf workout which was 100% crafted on the fly

Warm up (tried)

  • mosey/jogged around school to block area
  • 5 burpees
  • ssh x 10
  • 5 burppees
  • ssh x 15
  • 10 slow/low squats
  • ssh x 10
  • CP
  • TS
  • stretched calves
  • planked
  • merkins x 20



  • dips on benches x 30
  • incline merkin x 20
  • dips x 16
  • incline x 18

– jogged to corner of parking lot split into 2 groups

  • sprint/run to corner then 5 burpees 
  • sprint to planters 10 squats
  • 10 box jumps
  • 10 dips
  • 15 box jumps
  • 16 incline merkins
  • 10 step ups
  • 10 dips
  • 10 box jumps

jogged to play ground

  • counted off into 1s and 2s
  • group 1 50 LBC, group 2 lots of pull ups 15ish – switch
  • group 1 50 bobby hurly, group 2 – 5 pull ups, 5 buprees, 5 pull ups, 5 burpees – switch

Vinegar B requested curls so we head to blocks.

– we lined up

  • 10 curls – run to first hoop – 10 squats run back
  • 10 curls – run to 2nd hoop – 10 Merkins run back
  • 10 curls – run to 3rd hoop – 10 squats run back
  • 10 curls – run to 4th hoop – 10 merkins and run back

– circled up

  • 6 burpees b/c I guess Bunyan did not do many yesterday (or did he?)
  • curls x 20
  • should press 20
  • block squat x 17 (i had guys thinking I was going to 20)
  • curl to shoulder press x 10 (dangerous because of a grip change, Baker M. is Dangerous)


  • dying cock roach
  • crunchy Frog
  • touch them heels
  • lbc
  • 5 burpees
  • DONE


– Need to skip because I am slammed at work but wanted to be better about BB

Thanks Roadie, I think the guys were able to stay warm even thought it was cold.

**Look for opportunites to Q, The MQ will appreciate it! ****

Happy Hump Day Y'all
