Oh where art thou Dandelion on a Thursday

Event Date

Oct 17, 2024


3 men emerged to fill the block workout void left when Dandelion is out for the week on a Thursday.  Attempted to honor him without infringing on his copyright protected workout on Thursdays.   


20 x SSH

10 x Toy soldiers

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Toe touch Merican

10 x Dippy Birds

The Thang

Mosey to back, grab a block and mosey top of the big hill:

Round 1: 10x Curls for girls/murder bunnies across grassy knoll/10 x skull crushers/murder bunnies back across grassy knoll/10 x shoulder press/30x WWIs

Indian run around block island last pax drops for 3 mericans

Round 2: 10x block rows/bear crawl across grassy knoll/30 x mericans/crab walk back across grassy knoll/10 x block burpees/30x WWIs

Indian run around block island last pax drops for 3 mericans

Round 3: 10x block milk jugs/lunge walk across grassy knoll/30 x mericans/burpee broad jumps back across grassy knoll/10 x block quadfectas

Blocks back to playground and finish up. 

Reflection: Matthew 6:21
Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

What do we think about at the start of each day? What brings us anxiety? What do we consume a lot of time thinking about or doing?  What we do creates habits and is what we in turn value and love. 


-Arrived to see THE MATER come out of the truck, great to see him.  Missing his pants his son seemed to have stolen.  Great addition to the reflection about his race car days. 

-Crabby Patty has been on the road lately cruising and flying around the US of A.  Ready to attack Denver billboards with some HVAC advertising! 


Fair Winds and Following Seas


