FNG = Flush from Raleigh
700 Warmarama
Mosey down to football field, grabbing a rock along the way and placing it at the goaline
Long Snapper
Butt Kickers
High Knees
The Thang
- Arm Exercises:
- ?Curl
- Shoulder Press
- Skull Crusher
- Merican
- Leg Exercises
- ?Squat
- Bonnie Blair
- Calf raises
Run to 10 yard line, 1 burpee
Run back to goaline and do 10 of the exercises above
Run to 20, 2 burpees
Run back and 20 of each exercise
Repeato at 30, 40, and 50 doing 3, 4, and 5 burpees as well as 30, 40, and 50 of each exercise.
Round 1: Arm exercises
Round 2: Leg exercises
After both rounds completed, return rocks and mosey back to launch
An assortment of ab exercises and stretching to take us to 8AM
Recover Recover
You can always count on Jersey Boy to be at BRP, thanks as always
Nice to meet Flush from Raleigh and great work!
Waffle House showed up at 7:50ish for "soccer" even though he definitely could've done the workout with us then go to soccer after
Until next time……. Mr. H