OK Google, Show Me Kettle Bell Exercises

Event Date

Mar 07, 2019

9 gloom warriors came out to test a few new kettle bell exercises, along with some old ones…


Mosey down to Pull Up Forest where we would stay for the duration.  Gave a quick disclaimer and noted I would probably be the one who may need to modify…and I quickly did.



10 X Toy Soldier IC

10 X Cotton Picker IC

10 X Windmill IC

Plank to 10 X Mountain Climbers IC to 10 X Mericans IC


The Thang

10 Pull Ups/20 Kettle Bell Swings.  5 rounds…uh, make that 4 rounds.  Mumble chatter started after Round 2 and was really feeling it after Round 3.


Escape from Pull Up Forest with the bells for the following:


Sprint out to light pole (~100M), quadraphillia back

10 Burpees

10 X Alternating Snatch IC (attempted with moderate success)

10 X Reverse Grip Curl IC

10 X Skull Crusher IC

10 X Overhead Press IC


Sprint out, quad back

8 Burpees

15 X Bent Over Row IC

15 X Lawn Mower Each Arm OYO

10 X Upright Row IC…which closely resembled my Reverse Grip Curl


Sprint out, quad back

6 Burpees

10 X Goblet Squat IC

15 X Forward Lunge Each Leg OYO

20 X Calf Raises on Curb IC (hold Kettle Bell behind your back)

10 X Deep Squat IC


Sprint out, quad back

4 Burpees

10 X Incline Press Out IC (like Overhead Press, but press out at 45-degree angle)

10 X Offset Merican IC Left Arm on Bell

10 X Offset Merican IC Right Arm on Bell

10 X Decline Kettlebell Press IC (balance on heels, raise butt off the ground so body weight is on your shoulders)


Sprint out, quad back

2 Burpees

Mosey back to cars



20 X Low Flutter IC

10 X Pretzel Crunch IC

15 X WWII’s IC

Elbow Plank to Finish


Recover, Recover



– Always a strong crew at Dragon Slayer, hopefully provided enough push for a decent workout

– 80’s rock was the music theme for the day but was disappointed that my phone died to Tom Petty Free Fallin’ on the mosey back to the cars.

– Rooter is taking over MQ for the Estate on Saturday, get on out and support!

– Shamelessly plugged for Q’s for Viking on Tuesdays, and if that doesn’t work out for you then pick up a Q somewhere.  Plenty of great AO’s to choose!


Have a Good One…

