Ok, it is a Fanny pack.

Event Date

May 24, 2021


YHC arrived at 0528 to blazing stadium lights and 6 pax waiting. Here is their story:

heckling and mumblechatter began IMMEDIATELY at circle up:

"what's with the Fanny pack"

"I thought this was a running workout"

"where is Turnpike?"

COP commenced with disclaimer, in colorful language, SSH, mountain climbers, windmills etc. 

off we went. Due to the unexpected turnouts and no shows, the plans were…flexible. Suggestions for directions were met with unusual acceptance as I couldn't come with any better ideas. Ideally each stop included two different exercise at 10x, but not always.

final destination at the launch point included dis-interested bus drivers, COT without getting out of the prone position, and request to attend coffeteria (granted and accepted by 5 of 7).


1. Answers to the above:

"it's a water belt, how many times do I have to give that answer?"

"delayed start to catch late comers-Snake Eyes, Jorel, etc."

"apparently Turncoat knew this answer and did not share further reason why he knew"

2. Post pandemic world has been solved. Those who attended pre-renovation Starbucks on Gilead know these answers.

3. Ventured off into new territory, including a lake visit and an alley that Jaws was excited about for some reason.

4. Believe this fulfilled my penance for missing last week. So much fun might do it again some time.

5. Turned in mileage of 2.99 miles. Turnpike would have liked at least 0.01 more effort but then he could have showed up to push us across the line.

humbly submitted 24 May 2021-
