OL Damascus Dog Walkers Ruck

Event Date

Aug 24, 2020

Also in attendance 8 Mile & FNG- Sean

4 Pax's and 1 FNG strong for a little ruck in the gloom this AM. Also in attendance Buck (wirehaired pointer) and Jasper (domesticated polar bear). The boys were good and Buck I am impressed how you would sprint into the darkness after a rabbit and one sec later be right by Can of Corn's side. Jasper you too were on point this morning. I think the question is  can we get a Penny next week to really solidify the dog walkers OL Damascus Ruck?

FGF standard workout (below) and shout out that there slots to sign up to Q this workout which is now a OL standard for monday mornings. 

Sparknut- praise for the goodness and how to honor God in marriage ;). prayer the ongoing work in his occupation, family and dreams/aspirations.

8 mile- praise of the body getting back togther and the goodness of seeing it stay strong and function well in this unique time. prayer for wife and kids as they start to get in full swing with school. 

Can of Corn- praise for the ability to get togther with guys and push each other bringing back that sunny dispostion. prayer for family as oldest daughter Emma, navigates returning to school and just stresses that COVID has placed on thier family. 

Sean- praise for work and ability to serve fellow teachers as they begin this new school year. prayer for wife and daughter and stating back up new school year. 

FGF- praise for 8 year old daughter, Anna, and all the little beautiful moments being had with the family in this time. prayer for more of God's work to be done in the lives of the men of F3 and thanks for being a part of this community.



  • This workout is meant for growth in our horizontal and vertical relationships, 1st with one another and 2nd with God. I want to respect your faith and we are not here to convince one another of anything. I am a Christian and my hope is that you would know God more through this workout.  
  • This group is missional, we can invite others to it since physically it is low intensity. Also we can invite neighbors we see.
  • To transition between exercises, the leader will say “30 seconds”

Warama  (10 min)

How’s your F.O.R.D? (family, occupation, recreation, dreams/aspirations)

The Thang

      Heart  (10 min)

  1. What disciples have you used to draw closer to God (Christ) this week?  (worship, morning or evening prayer, devotions/meditation/prayer, family prayer, etc)
  2. What is the moment you felt closest to God (Christ)?
  3. What is your plan for next week to deepen your relationship with God (Christ)?

      Head  (10 min)

  1. What have you studied this week to better understand God (Jesus and his church)? (Small group, Bible study group, personal bible study, books on faith or theology, podcasts, online bible study courses)
  2. What was your most helpful spiritual insight from your study?
  3. What is your plan for next week to enrich your study/

     Hands and Feet  (10 min)

  1. What have you done this week to share God (Christ) with other so that they might know his love?    (in your family, workplace, profession, neighborhood, environment)
  2. What have you done to bear the burdens of others?
  3. What was your most burning witness or sacrificial service?
  4. What is your plan for next week to enlarge your witness or service?


Thank you men for giving me the opportunity to lead. It really has been a breathe of freshair in my life. 
