OL Damascus Ruck

Event Date

Jul 27, 2020

This workout is a Ruck but primarily is a 3rd F workout. Q'ing this kind of workout is less about the clock and more about HS time. We got through the warama, Heart and Head. Looking forward to this being a regular 5:30am Monday morning workout in the Outer Limits.  


  • I am a Christian and this group is meant to draw people closer to Christ/God, but you do not have to be a Christian for this workout
  • This group is missional, if a new person comes into the group we will pause our workout to get to know them first, then restart when appropreiate.
  • This workout is all three F’s but this is primarily a workout for the 3rdF.

Let the workout begin!


            How’s your F.O.R.D? (Family, Occupation, Recration, Dreams/Aspirations)

The Thang


  1. What disciples have you used to draw closer to Christ (or your understanding of God) this week? (worship, morning or evening prayer, devotions/meditation/prayer, family prayer, etc)
  2. What is the moment you felt closest to Christ (God)?
  3. What is your plan for next week to deepen your relationship with Christ (God)?


  1. What have you studied this week to better understand Jesus and his church (or God)? (Small group, Bible study group, personal bible study, books on faith or theology, podcasts, online bible study courses)
  2. What was your most helpful spiritual insight from your study?
  3. What is your plan for next week to enrich your study?

     Hands and Feet

  1. What have you done this week to share Christ (God) with others so that they might know his love?   (in your family, workplace, profession, neighborhood, environment)
  2. What have you done to bear the burdens of others?
  3. What was your most burning witness or sacrificial service?
  4. What is your plan for next week to enlarge your witness or service?


Prayer and confession for humility in these trying times, prayer for Brandy (Burgudy's wife) in her work as an ICU nurse and also high risk due to her RA meds, thankfullness for all of our wives and how vital they are in our familes, prayer for kids and familes starting up school, praise for Pusher being able to encourage his family friend with cancer and daughter preparing for college, thankfulness for work and blessings during this time. 

Thank you for allowing me to lead you in this workout. 
