OL Damascus Ruck

Event Date

Sep 21, 2020

Two pax showed up to take on the chilly, fall in the air, gloom this morning. It was not easy, both voiced the deisre to fartsack, but rather knowing that something better lied ahead outside of the warm bed; a time to let a little iron sharpen iron. 


Informal checkin on how the wife and kids are doing. Kids in first year of college, kids dating and little kids who have not yet gotten to these tough times, or rather tough times to parent through. How to know what is right whether parenting younger or older kids, just clinging to grace and leaning on prayer.

The Thang

Eph 5: 21-33 (Big passage but going for it anyway)

1. What is your sentiemnt towards the idea of submission in what we just read?

2. How does your view of submission change when you see yourself as the wife to Christ?

3. What can we as husbands learn from the example of Christ as the husband for the church?

4. What can you do today, laying down your life, to love your wife.


Prayer for us as husbands, our wives and children. Prayer for Chase (FGF's brother) who has a job interview today.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Hope to see some more guys fight the fartsack and pushing out into the cold for the monday morning Damascus Ruck/Walk. There are open Q slots for this workout. You are welcome to Q this workout as you see fit.
