OL Damascus Ruck- my Pride & Joy

Event Date

Oct 05, 2020

3 Pax entered the cool of the morning to enjoy a little fitnes, fellowship and faith. Jasper was representing for the canine's of the Outer Limits. Glad to have Pusher back and excited for the day when he Q's the Damascus Ruck. We missed Can of Corn, Touch Me Not and the other brothers of the OL but there is always next monday!


How is your F.O.R.D.? (family, occupation, recreation and dreams)

The Thang

What 2-3 things do you place great pride in and why?

What 2-3 things do you take great joy in and why?

What is something that you whish you took more pride in or had greater joy in?


Praises for Touch Me Not's father in law getting the great news that his prostate mass is begnin and prayers for future treatment.

Prayers for Sparknut's wife, Jennifer, to find relief from her kidney stones and for the doctor's to find a preventative for her.

Prayers for Pusher and the opportunites and decisions in the coming season of his work. Prayer for clarity of dirrection.

Prayers for FGF and Mrs. FGF to start up a routine date night. Three daughters are our pride and joy but need to some more one on one time for the parents.

Thank you guys for the opportunity to lead and the iron sharpening iron.