Olaf Chillin with Mighty Jungle’s Wildlife

Last Mighty Jungle Q as a Huntersville resident, 18 years of a lot of Great Memories; last 4 with my F3 Brothers.  Really value the bond with the F3 guys. Learn so much about myself, with encouragement of F3, able to accomplish so much more than be stronger physically. My Whole Mind & Soul has been transformed into a better Man! Look forward to passing it on.

Started Out with 1/2 dozen Warm Ups

4 Corners – LBC, Pullup/Dips, Squats and Merkins.  Each Pax started with 2 finished with 18.

Ran down to school wall – Peoples Chair, Air Presses, Balls-to-Wall, Ali's then Bear Crawl up the hill, Lunge Walks down.

Did 1/2 dozen Rock/Block, couple of rounds

Flip tire and One Burpee each

Mary – did a few, pass on the calls from the Pax

It's been a great ride with Lake Norman, expect to see me visit ocassionally. Take Care F3LKN Brothers!