Old Dudes Can rule: The General at Westmoreland Park

23 of the finest to come out of F3 Nation, posted at Westmoreland Park in lovely Cornelius, ready for some Old man beatdown. Were there heckler's, of course, were there complaints, for sure…

The Thang:

Warm-up: Run around a bit to get the muscles going, then circle up and do: 2 minutes invisible jump-rope, Toy Soldier (Cadence didn't go so well), Emperial Storm Trooper (Better) and lastly Cotton-pickers.

The Workout:

  • Run to the rock pile and grab rock.
  • Group splits up, half head left and half head right, 20 lunge walks with rock press down and 20 lunge walks with rock press back. Leave rock
  • Run to spot and circle up to do: 20 squats, 15 merkins and 15 carolina dry docks
  • Repeato all of the above
  • Repeato all of the above
  • Run to pavilion. Pax thinks I gave up already since I handed over an exercise to Omega and we did 15 diamond merkins.
  • To "honor" SnakeEye's, we did his signature "Body-ups", 20 over bar and 20 under bar.
  • Step-ups, 20 per leg
  • Jump squats x 20
  • Repeato


  • LBC's x 20
  • Touch dem heels x 20 (Ludi)
  • Mason Twist x 20
  • Glute Bridge x 20 (Obligatory)

The Naked Moleskin:

  • The Pax was not expecting a plan from me, but I actually had one…
  • Cadence started off a bit rough, but I got it together
  • I thought someone (Kingfish) would handle a history lesson for old times sake, but I was sadly mistaken. Sorry guys, I know I promised in the #PB.
  • Where is Outlaw when you need him, he would've pulled out a history lesson in no time!
  • Rambo was WB strong. Way to set an example Soprano
  • Great crew today, too many to point out
  • Thanks for the support of the faithful
  • Thanks for the support of the new faithful
  • Thanks for the new faces too!
  • Listed are all of those that have HC'd to Q the General in the coming weeks, yes, this is the way you do it the Geek. Thank me later: Yes, there are 18 weeks worth committed here. Take that!
  1. ?Hippie
  2. The Geek (Duh!)
  3. Snake Eye's
  4. Bob Ross
  5. Crimson
  6. Tagless
  7. LandLine
  8. Ninja Turtle
  9. DeepDish
  10. Riverboat
  11. Omega
  12. Oyster
  13. Thug
  14. Soprano
  15. Bama
  16. Metallica
  17. Kingfish
  18. Shoe

It was an absolute pleasure to lead you fine men this am and I appreciate The Geek giving me this opportunity.
Make it a great day boys! 

Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your weekend, honor the men and women that have sacrificed all for us Americans to have our freedom, and above all, Praise God!
