Old Friends are the Best Friends

FNG1 = Helo not on website

20 strong joined YHC on a soupy Monday morning to start the day right.  With the Vern and Samson Suicides on tap for later in the week, the plan was to keep it simple and minimize the running aspect. In the end, YHC decided to bring along an old friend who's always sure to please the crowd.

0500: Lego and Lotte for the standard.  Its possible someone else joined.. Enron maybe?



  • Mosey through the lanes with dymanic warmup including karioke, butt kickers and high knees
  • Stop over by pull up bars for:
    • SSH x 20 IC
    • Carrot Pullers Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
    • IST x10 IC
    • Arm Circles



  • EMOM:
    • 5 pull ups
    • 10 merkins
    • 15 squats

Repeato x 10 rounds

Start at first island and mosey to each of the next 5 islands for:

  • First Island:  Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • Second Island: CDD x 15 IC
  • Third Island: Apollo Ohno x 15 OYO
  • Fourth Island: WW2 Sit Ups x 15 IC
  • Fifth Island: LBC x 15 IC

Mosey back to the bars for…

CCHHHHEEEELLLLLLSSSEEEAAAAA (this was the real winner today)

  • EMOM:
    • 5 pull ups
    • 10 merkins
    • 15 squats

Repeato x 10 rounds

Mosey back to start stopping at each island for hte smae exercises as above


  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC
  • Mason Twist x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank x 45 seconds

Recover, Recover


  • The dew point was off the charts today. just brutal
  • Chelsea never disappoints  Lots of mumblechatter this morning.  YHC was undeterred
  • The horn section (Toxic, Amen and Etch) was in full effect
  • Toxic helped count everyone's reps for them. #HIM
  • Estwing doesn't talk much.  He's probably afraid someone will ask him if Lowe's has hammers yet (they don't, but someone has an Estwing Axe Hammer)
  • I do not know what an Axe Hammer is
  • Cherry Bomb was not there.  it must have been his M's day to work out
  • Thanks Enron for allowing me to lead the men of the Sword. 

Aye, Hoodie