Old Man and the Bells

Event Date

Sep 24, 2021

Pleasure to lead this group.  Only minor whining!

Warm Up

I/C x 15

SSH, Cotton Picker, Wind Mill, Toy Soldier, Arm Circles

Beat Down

I/C x 15

Overhead Ribbon, Curls, Skull Crushers, Squat Press, Upright Row,

OYO; American Swing, 5 Merkins, Sprint to top of lot, 10 Merkins, mosey back, 15 Merkins

I C,  x 15;  Dead Lift, Goblet Squat, Walmart, Sumo Squat,

OYO, Russian Swing, w/KB lunge walk to flag pole and return, Murder Bunny to 1st line and mosey back

IC x15;  w/KB,  Sit Ups, Russian Twist, Plank Rows, Press to OH 

OYO, KB drag to 1st line and reverse drag back


L Dolly, Flutter, Pretzel

Reflection: Isiah 41:10, God is strength in time of need


