Old School Compilation

11 sweated it out to a collection of exercises performed at The Army over the years.  


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Dwight Shrute x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Muhammad Ali x 20 IC


Mosey to pull up bars

  • P1: 10 pulls-ups 

Flip flop

  • P1: 9 pulls-ups 

Flip flop

Continue down this path until both partners reach 1 pull-up 

Partner up and grab one block per group

DORA 1-2-3: P1 performs exercise while P2 runs the circle

  • 100 Skull crushers
  • 200 Curls
  • 300 Chest press

Head to soccer field

  •  Bear crawl across the field
  • Lunge walk back
  • Sprints from goal to goal (x6)


All PAX called an exercise.


Thanks to Tuffy for giving me the opportunity to Q this morning. If you haven't Q'd this AO, or any others, sign up!  You will thank me when you are done.  "Leading" a group of guys like today, is such an honor and goes a long ways towards making your day/week ahead that much better.  And more importantly, as the Q, know that you won't please everyone, but if you can postively impact just one guy's morning (and it's many more than one BTW) to improve their mind, body, and spirit. So visit the site and sign up today!  Thanks again to all those came out this morning…..you guys rock!

Until we meet again.
