Old School Excelsior

Event Date

May 05, 2018

YHC told the MQ this week and I hadn't been to the rock down Jim Kidd lately…..problem solved!

Run to top of lot

SSH X 20

IST X 20

Carrot Tugger X 15

Run to middle school

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run half way down jim kidd

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run to rock

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run 1/2 way back Jim Kidd

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run to Bradley Middle

Merican X 10

WW2 X 15

Run back to The Estate – and done

Covered about 3 1/2 miles, got some other basic stuff in, by the end I was really feeling those sets

most of the group doubled down, Cooter remarked "this is the most running I've done in years", 'no worries' I said, The Force won't have us run much at 0700. oops  Thanks for all joining, seems some BRR training may be in the works!