Old School for Mystery Q

Event Date

Jul 25, 2019

++ STP, Overboard, Serta


it is a great honor and privilege to Q The SweatShop, F3LKN’s Premier Nighttime Workout. The expectations that come with this opportunity are considerable and tonight YHC had the additional honor of being the Mystery Q.  I opted for an old-school paver beatdown. Hard enough to earn the respect of the Pax while simple enough to deliver effectively… 


Warmup – Does anyone really care how we warmed up?


The important part – Mosey to DUMC and grab a paver…

Station? 1 – Pavers. One footed curls (a/k/a Babyback style), one-footed skull crushers, presses, bent over rows, pullovers, and bench presses all X 15 IC

Station 2 – Mary. Crawl bear up the stairs to the courtyard. LBC, H2H, Hello Dolly, and low flutter all X 15 IC. 

Station 3 – Ladders. Mosey to the upper lot. Run from one end to the other reducing reps at each end by one from ten to one. Popcorn pushups on the even numbers and WW2 sit-ups on the odds. 

Repeat Station 1 X 12 IC

Repeat Station 2 X 12 IC

Repeat Station 3 but swap evens and odds and increase reps from 1 to 10

Repeat Station 1 X 15 IC EXCEPT for bench presses X 50 IC

Back to Green. 


While it was pleasant out tonight the conditions for SweatShop usually suck out loud in the summer – very hot and humid. Despite this, the SweatShop continues to grow and reach more LKN men. 

