The OTB Convergence brought the finest runners of all Isotope plus YHC together at Ludicrous Speed this morning. A structured tempo was on the docket and since no one else had a better plan (or a plan at all beyond “run”) we decided to use mine. Here’s the story of the men who climbed Tempo Mt. today.
- 1 x 1600 – warm-up/easy
- 2 x 800’s – recovery – off/sprint – on
- 4 x 400’s – recovery – off/sprint – on
- 8 x 200’s – recovery – off/sprint – on
- 16 x 200’s – recovery – off/sprint – on
Everyone figured it out, but more importantly, everyone figured out a better way to explain it than YHC led with. The best way, I might add, came from YHC late in the workout (but who really cares, right?) which is below.
- 1600 – 1 mile
- 800’s – 1 mile
- 400’s – 1 mile
- 200’s – 1 mile
- 100’s – 1 mile
1 on 1 off recovery/sprints (next time)
- Thanks to LF & HB for bringing the fire from across town. They lead the group in pace along with Vandelay – props to all three.
- Tammy Fae, you’re a workhorse
- Calypso, we did the same workout but leapfrogged because one of started on rec while the other was at sprint. (next time we should have a plan – recovery is better with a battle buddy.)
- Free Pass and Stray solved al past, present, and future financial crises and got in a solid work out. #leadingtowin
- Ping found something in the lobe of his right lung that was left there in 2015. He got whatever it was out projectile style and produced a more than sufficient amount of joules. Solid. (The effort not the lugie)
Thank you for the opportunity to lead this workout. We accomplished 4 – 5 miles of sprints and recovery and more importantly beat the demons of fartsackus once again.
Q’s are open at Luda and if you haven’t yet or haven’t in a while, step up and lead. You’ll be glad you did and so with the rest of us.
4.39 miles – 9:49 continuous pace – fastest: 7:56 recovery: 10:17
Good stuff out there Jedi. Solid Luda workout all around. And great to have Honeybee and Littlefinger join from Speed Dating. We should return the sentiment and join them on a legit feel track as opposed to our borderline off-road track.