Old School – Upper Body Warm Up

FNG = Lucas (Twinkle's neighbor).  2nd time we'll name him – boy was a beast

Warm Up
25 SSH – IC
15 Cottonpickers – IC
5×5 Arm Circles – small – front/back
5×5 Arm Circles – big – front/back
50 Merkins OYO
Phase 1
1 Large Parking Lot Laps (including loop around flagpole) – end at Launch Pad
  Line Up at bottom of Parking Lot – facing uphill
  Bearcrawl Up to 3rd Parking Lot Line (from bottom)
20 Merkins OYO
  Crawlbear Down to bottom of Parking Lot
20 Squats OYO
  Bearcrawl Up to 3rd Parking Lot Line (from bottom)
20 Merkins OYO
  Crawlbear Down to bottom of Parking Lot
20 Squats OYO
  Plank for 6
Phase 2
  2 Large Parking Lot Laps (including loop around flagpole) – end at Block Pile
  Carry Blocks to Front of Gym
5 5s block curls (stop at 1/5; 2/5; 3/5; 4/5; 5/5 of a full curl – equals 1).  Do 5x = 25 reps
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 Block Press
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 Skull Crushes w Block
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 One Arm Row w Block (25 each side)
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 Front Delt Raises with Block
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 Block Merkins
  Zamparini 50 yds
25 Squat Thrusters with Block (end with block above your head)
  Return Block to Pile – Mosey to LaunchPad
25 LBCs
25 Flutterkicks IC
1 Minute Plank
1 Timothy 6:11-12
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.  Fight the good fight of the faith.  Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses
Gents – there is a lot going on around us.  A lot of confusion, anxiety and fear.  During the trials, we are called to remain focused on being a man of God.


– Great to see a LOT of old faces (YHC included).  Yes folks, you saw it right, both Clubber & Closer were there!

– Noticeably absent was Hefty.  Guess the bike not being fixed kept him from driving to post…  BUT – he'll be pleased to know YHC made sure we all got our 50 Merkins in (and then some)

– Apparently YHC's counting prowess is a bit rusty.  Clubber was not amused.

– Non-running work out doesn't mean zero jogging – much to Twinkle's chagrine

– Abrams said if he knew I was Q, he wouldn't have shown up he loves YHC's workouts – .  Stealth Q timing made him better…

– Toto heckled pretty much the whole time and was dangerously close to breaking the "don't let the block touch the ground" rule.

– Some of us tacked on a 28m cycle at the end – fun times.  Nobody was lost (except ShakeWeight shortly after start).