Old Standard Transported

Event Date

Jul 15, 2017

Three of LKN's finest brave hot and muggy Saturday morning and avoided the Brew-Ruck.

66 (War Baby) and Megaphone (War Daddy)

Etch-A-Sketch and LaBon made it a true running only WO.


·         Mosey Lap around 1st island in lot with HKs, BKs, Karoki L-R + circle up.

·         20 SSTs x IC, 15 CPs x IC, 15 ISTs x IC, 20 MCs x IC



Running + Pain Stations

·         Run full lap to top of lot (school entrance) and back to playground.

·         Find a bench. 10 dips x IC / 10 incline merkins x IC / 10 dips x IC / 10 decline merkins x IC

·         Mosey to track.

·         ½ lap 10 burpees OYO; ½ lap 10 CDDs x IC; ½ lap 10 Merkins x IC; ½ lap 5 Scorpion DDs Left Leg Up x IC and 5 Scorpion DDs Right Leg Up x IC

·         Bear crawl up hill off track

·         Mosey to baseball fields and find bench

·         10 Incline Merkins x IC / 15 squats x IC / 5 Dips x IC. Repeato x 2. Victory lap around the bases. YHC wanted to do Aussie pull-ups, but dugout benches did not accommodate—audible to dips. Will get your pull-ups next time.

·         Crab walk ½ halfway back to track. Lunge Walk remaining distance to track.

·         25 LBCs x IC / 15 Monkey Humpers x IC /15 Crunchy Frogs x IC, 15 WWII sit-ups OYO / 15 Mason Twists x IC / 10 Pickle Pounders IC



·         Mosey back to playground

·         90 seconds of people’s chair with 20 air presses x IC

·         Low Flutter x 15 IC

·         J-Lo x 15 IC

·         Recover / Recover



·         Covered just under 2 miles according to YHC’s trusty Garmin 225–a solid workout in hot and muggy conditions. Modified this cross-fit standard YHC will run in his own 'hood when soccer arms are needin' a fixin'.

·         First time I’ve had to tell Pax to “triangle” up, but great work by both 66 and Megaphone

·         Strong running by LaBon and Etch-A-Sketch

·         Lots of great activities in LKN area today: Brew-Ruck, St. Mark’s Rise Against Hunger, etc.—a testament to the level of community involvement opportunities available.

·         Thanks Turnpike for reaching out to have me lead this workout. Big AO with lots of variety available. My privilege as always to lead.



