Old Stiff Men

Event Date

Jun 11, 2024



4 of the fastest men in Isotope convened to check the box and get it done at FKT. Here is their story:

3 met The Standard for ~2 miles

Not a lot of mumble chatter. The usual amount for The Vern. Swiftie indicated he had never attempted The Vern and chose the harder option this morning. Upon completion of the exercises he exclaimed “that sucked” to which Jobe and YHC reminded him we weren’t done and still had to complete the run back to the AO. Upon completion of the run, he exclaimed “that sucked.” Indeed Swiftie, indeed. Crushed it brother.

We all encounter choices in life. Sometimes those choices take us to the gym, or on a run to Knox Hill. Sometimes they take us to a mosey at Fartlek. It is inherently hard to choose The Vern on the second Tuesday of every month but these men were better for it on this day.

Jobe reminded the pax that men get to choose whether they grow up to be old and stiff or young and limber. We all chose the latter option this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at FKT Swing State. Let’s get after it men. Until the next time…