Old stuff with a twist

Event Date

Sep 24, 2024


8 pax -6 old and 2 FNGs (Brad and Aidan) enjoyed yet another humid morning. Will it ever go away? Please make it stop.

Well anyway here is the deal

Moving Warm o Rama around the track

First Corner (I know there are no corners on an oval) 15IC Side Straddle Hops

Second Corner – Windmill 10 IC

Third Corner- Long Snapper 10 IC

Last corner – more SSH’s 10 IC

Let’s grab some blocks

DORA with a twist

The blocks are left approx. 50yds up the parking lot

Partner up 

Partner 1 run to the blocks 10 curls 

Partner 2 Merkins 100 total between the team

Flip Flop When complete run a full lap around the parking lot

Part two 

200 Squats with 10 Curls with the blocks

Run a full lap

Part 3

300 Little Baby Crunch (LBC)

Run a lap

Done with that nonsense

Mosey to the corner lot nope not putting away the blocks yet

10IC Little Tea Pots each side 

10IC lawn Mowers each side

Put the blocks away

M.A.R.Y (My Abs Rock Yours)

15 IC Low Flutter

10 Box Cutter

10 WWII sit ups

Recover Recover

The Naked Moleskin

Thank you all for joining me on this fine morning in the humid gloom. This is where we shine gentleman. Getting our minds right and bodies tightish. Great push from Brad and Aidan on their first post. Hope to see you guy next week. As usual Elmers is old man strong or just really good a cheating. Tantrum still cannot do a windmill without sounding like he is as old as Elmers. Snake Eyes we still got it. How many years has it been? Turnpike has the slowest Squat known to man. I’m surprised you finished the DORA. Gambani you are still young you have no excuse. Not seasoned yet but close. All in all a great morning. I appreciate you all being there in this journey of life