“Old” time workout


A solid group of 11 showed for an "old" time workout


10  Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC

The Thang:

4 sets of 3 exercises done to (12) 4-count reps. Each set has one chest exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, you run a lap around the parking lot.
1.  Merican, Squat, LBC
2.  CDD, Jump Squat, Crunchy Frog
3.  Incline Merican, Monkey Humpers, Low Flutter
4.  Decline Mercian, Lunges, Dying Cockroach

Merican Time Bome Cyclone 6>1 

Mosey to theatre wall for People's chair and Air presses

Mosey to rock pile for some upper body work

Curls 10 IC
Skull Crushers 10 IC
Bent over rows 10 IC
Overhead presses 10 IC
5 to the left and Repeato 

Mosey home for Mary

Rosalita – Deep Dish
Shoulder Touch Mericans – Snake Eyes
Jane Fondas – Hippie
Recover, Recover

Not much mumblechatter this morning, just PAX putting the work in.  Well done. 

7 out of 11 were "Respects" this morning.  Old timers indeed!  Hippie and Jersey Boy 
hold the War Daddy title at 54 each, while Snake Eyes was the youngest at a spry 44 years of age.

Crackerjack did not listen to the "pick a semi comfortable rock" suggestion at the rockpile.  Both he and Tiramisu got stuck with a whopper of a rock.  

Prayers up for brother Darth Visor and family.  Please keep them in your thoughts this week.

Had a great professional/work related discussion at Coffeteria with Hippie, Tiramisu, Outsource, and Jersey Boy.  

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the workout this morning.  

