Old Times…

Event Date

Jun 06, 2017


Ahhh, Well it's been awhile …

Events listed below may or may not have occured…It was a great start to the day..


Line up …

SSH ..mosey


Walking Toy soldiers…

Imperial Squats

All done in 15-20 range..

mosey back to beginning

Low flutter..  Lunge  20yds

WWII…Reverse Lunge 20yds

Roseletta …Side lunge 20yds

Heels to Heaven.. Side lunge 20yds

Lap,,,grabs a coupon

Wall sits with Brick layer 15,10,5


One-leg  squats with coupon L/R

Crazy Ivans  




Active elongation



Homer to Marge

Something else..



Thanks to THE Force for leading COT.

Glad to see Lawn Dart arrive to the Gloom after leaving the house twice.

Thoughts to HassleHoff's family as they go through this difficult time.

T-claps for T-Bone and his leadership.

Always a honor to lead Men of F3.

The last few months have shown me the importance of the Glue for F3. F3 has been a lifeline to me and my family. I have done things that I could not have done without F3 Brothers. I've dared to run 3 miles, I've dared a mud run. I've dared to carry a sand bag up a Spartan mountain. I've dared to carry a sand filled keg over a bridge. I've dared to lead RUCKTARDs in Ashville. I would not be in a position to do any of this if it wasn't for F3

.Shout out to  El Chapo, during my recovery, he has embodied the core belief of Fellowship. T-claps to FIA for supporting the M during my recovery. ( Yea, I said FIA..so What).

Good to be out in the Gloom.