Oldies but Goodies

FNG-1 is The Bear- Smokey’s 12 Y-O boy. 

12 Pax posted for The Mighty Oak looking for a good way to win the morning.  The title of this post refers mostly to the participants, many of whom have been hanging around this F3 Thang for a long time some of whom are seldom seen in the gloom.  You know who you are.

The thang: ( or somethang close to it)

Mosey round the lot with some backward, forward and karaoke.  We each grabbed a block of our choosing and circled up at the picnic table area- safe from incoming traffic.  Brief disclaimer dispensed.

Slow ‘Merican @ 25 (Sometimes you gotta punch ‘em in the face 1st thing.  That’s important for setting the tone of the workout)

The full curl @ 25

Slow squat @ 25

Plank Jacks @ 25

Old school sit-ups @ 25

We took a parking lot lap mosey

Decline block ‘Merican @ 20

Skull crusher @ 20

Jump squat (sans block) @ 20

Chest press @ 20

Block Swing @ 20

Old school sit-ups @ 25

We took a parking lot lap mosey

Incline block ‘Merican @ 15

High curl @ 15

Apollo Ono (sp) @ 15 each side

Shoulder shrug @ 15

Calf raise @ 15

Low curl @ 15

Old school sit-ups @ 25

We took a parking lot lap mosey 

Overhead press @ 10

Full curl @ 10 

Bent over row @ 10

Lawn mower @ 10

Alternating old school sit-ups @ 26

We returned the blocks and went for a 1/3 parking lot lap mosey


Little baby extension

Dying cockroach

Freddy Mercury

Touch dem heels


Naked Molesin:

1. Great to see some of the old-school fellas out today.  You guys know this stuff happens daily, right?

2. Mighty Oak is a fantastic AO and needs some more varying Qs, just like Hollywood.  (Insert plug here)

3. Take that Hill is this weekend.  Fellow F3 Pax are racing and raising money for Purple Heart Homes.  Check it out if you haven’t.

4.  See Kosar about a top-secret fund raiser.  I’d tell you more, but…well, you know what I’d have to do.  And I don’t wanna do that.

5. Gently used books are being collected at all AOs.  Bring a few tomorrow, please.  

6. T-claps to The Bear for posting in the gloom.  Most 12-year-old boys wouldn’t do that.  Nice work, young man.

7.  Thanks for letting me take the lead, Estwing!

8.  See you boys in the gloom again very soon.




