Olympic BEATdown

Event Date

Feb 17, 2018


7 appeared from the gloom, wearing the Olympic spirit and smiles for an epic BEATdown.  Nary a flake of snow on the ground, but it was winter Olympic time in the SVU, and Olympic training would be had.  And it went a little something like this…

Warm Up
20x SSH
10x Apollo Ohno's 
*** or Shonae Davis's if you are Skipper, or Eric Heiden's if you are Atlantis
bottom of the parking lot…
slalom bunny hops up the hill
*** YHC encouraged everyone to make the *tshh, tshh* noise, but we are not a crew of tshh-ers, apparently
cross country ski down
*** t-claps for the assist of right arm/left leg in sync, not right arm/right leg
*** no noises
10x merkins

butt kickers up + mosey back
high knees up +mb
*** it's been wet or moist or icy for months, time to bring the next one back…
burpee broad jumps +mb
monkey walk up right +mb
monkey walk up left +mb
karaoke left +mb
karaoke right +mb

Polar Bear Bucket Brigade:
person 1 carries up 2 5-gallon buckets with water (40+ lbs each) up
person 2 bear crawls up
persons 3-7 plank
person 1 crawl bears back
*** nice leadership Atlantis!!
person 2 carries the buckets back
3 & 4 take the next round
1 & 2 fall into the plankline
full rotation
*** nice debate over which sucked worse, carrying buckets after planking or bear crawling after planking. 
*** I think the consensus answer was "yes" or "both"

Back to the Back for Block Biathlon:
*** I am always so impressed with the biathletes that cross country ski for…5k…and then slow their heart and breathing down within 20 seconds to be crack shooters.  So impressive.  Such endurance conditioning.
*** 5 of everything for either the Olympic rings OR for the 5 biathlon shots per round
5 block trifectas
5x block rows
5x block squats
5x American block-ers (like American Hammer except making the 33# blocks touch the ground on each side)
5 WWB's (lie on ground, knees bent, block overhead, lift and move to front of knees, stand up, block thrust up)
*** new fan favorite
*** Skippers….I mean Serena's grunt's were epic…
Trail Run


Blocks back, return to the front.

Another 2 rounds of the Polar Bear Bucket Brigade

Luge practice.  on back, toes 6" off the ground, I call out left, straight, or right to match the course in my mind.
Skeleton practice.  Same idea, on belly, arms and lefs up, chin down.  Left, straight, right, etc.
10x low flutter
15x Freddie Mercury's
10x butterflies  ***haha, new exercise based on YHC's distorted memory…we went with it
and that's a wrap

reflection: 1 Samuel 17  David and Goliath remix
– our Pastor at Pursuit Church had a new take on the classic D&G story
– while most pastor's teach it as a "you gotta slay your Goliath" lesson, Pastor Jordan preached it as a "no matter where you are, take advantage of the situation and develop your skills to prepare your self for the challenges ahead" messages.  I loved it. 
– Here's the link…worthwhile.  http://pursuitchurch.org/2018/02/12/heart-position-process-series-4/
– see David was a sheppard, the lowest on the totem pole, the least of the brothers, the lowest on the social scale.  He didn't pout or settle for where he was.  He developed skills.  He learned to play music on the lyre.  He developed his sling prowess.  He protected his sheep from lions (probably mountain lions) and bears.  And he prepared himself for the great things God had planned.
v34-37 "34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep sheep for his father. And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, 35 I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth. And if he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him. 36 Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.” 37 And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”
– Link to full chapter and story: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+samuel+17&version=ESV

– fun times today guys.  I sprinkled the comments throughout the write up above.  Thanks for letting me pretend this was an Olympic workout.  I saw some of the eye rolls  : )
– Thursday nights 8pm men's Bible Study at ReTread's house.  Great turnout for the 1st one.  No big deal to jump in any time.  Each week stands on its own.  Join us.
– I heard a rumor that Shredder may be doing a full VQ next Saturday…can't wait for 60 minutes of The Rampage and the Ab Shredder.  Join us.

Have a great day guys.  Keep focused on the important things.
It was such an honor to lead.   You guys are awesome!
