On Mondays we run

Event Date

Dec 02, 2024

It’s Sunday night and the usual suspects are either injured, in a deer stand, or in Europe. A slack message is posted hoping to entice a few to join me so Cheese and I don’t sad clown it. Shake Weight responds and plans to be there. 0529 and Clark and Cheese (formerly known as Rusty) show up to see Shake Weight and Dirt ready to roll. But Dirt is nursing an ankle injury. 

Toy Soldiers
Dippy Birds
Abe Vigodas
Mosey 2 laps

The Work
Now we don’t know what to do, but we want to do speed work. We discuss going to Clubber lane to run repeats. But settle on Parking lot sprints.

Starting with 70% and building up we do several 100m(ish) runs up to full sprint.

In between runs we do several recovery exercises including bench dips, explosive step ups, lunge walks, karaoke, mosey and some walks.

Low Flutter
Pretzel Crunch


57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (‭‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬‬:‭57‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

