7 + skipper showed up for a brisk early morning tabata style workout. Didn’t stay cold for long and went something like this
Warm Up
Fast mosey parking lot lap
1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
Fast mosey parking lot lap end up at shot put with KBs
The Thang
Station work – 1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
Pair up and complete AMRAP then rotate stations with timer #yesmaam
Mary – 1 minute on, 30 seconds rest
2 Thessalonians? 1:11-12? NLT
“So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power toaccomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
Continue to pray for those around you. If someone all of a sudden comes to your mind then it may have been put on your heart to pray for them. The verse above is a good prayer to refer to when you just need to pray for someone and don’t know what for.
Mumble chatter