On the 11th day of Christmas

Yas, it's the 11th Day of Christmas, but no pipers were piping. Today we work on speed work will hill repeats and intervals.

20 IC Mt Climbers
10 IC Fire Hydrants each side
10 IC Pickle Pounders

The Thing
Run around the to the front of the school to the bus lot, plank for the 6 and a break in traffic, cross 73 into Trilogy and finish our warmup down the first cul-de-sac were we stretch out the calves and back out to the top of Heartwood for a lower back, glute, and hammy stretch..

Starting at the top of Heartwood, mosey down to the bottom, Run up hill at your goal 5k pace, then do 10 Lunges each leg at the top. Repeato for 3 rounds. PlNK for the 6.

Mosey back to bus lot.

1 hot lap at goal 1 mile PR pace
1 slow recover lap
after each recover lap do 10 hand release-release ‘merkins
Repeato til Q calls time. We made it through 2 rounds.

Mosey back to start… final mile count is right around 3.1 miles

Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
…and time


This was posted by a friend from my youth group from 25 years ago.

I spent a decade away from Him.

I was the kid at church 6 days a week – no exaggeration. It was my escape from a difficult home life. I also did and said stupid things. I was really mixed up for a good while.

I was involved in Youth Choir, adult choir, McDowell Missions, Operation Warm Up, Carolina Cross Connection, the puppet ministry, VBS, summer tours with puppets and youth choir, Carolina Chrystalis, Sunday church, Sunday night youth, Wonderful Wednesdays, adult choir practice Thursdays, puppet practice on Wednesdays and sometimes Fridays and Saturdays depending on the time of year.

Before I had a car I walked to and from church most of the time, or rode my bike.

I was the kid in Sunday school that in answering the introductory question in the lesson would basically lay out the points the entire lesson was going to make, so I was called on to answer questions by the adults "strategically." So that the full timeframe for the lesson would be filled. I was told this specifically by one of them.

The church I came up in was a lifeline to me. It provided a lot of opportunities for a rebellious young man in a very unhappy home to find refuge, purpose and a break from it all.

So why the 10 year silence?

I was serving the church, not God. My loyalty was to the church, and the people of the church. Not God. My faith was in the church, not God. My relationship was with the church, not God.

I have learned that you either serve God or the church. You cannot serve both. They are not the same. One cannot serve two masters. Serving the Church is a very dangerous thing.

My loyalties were destroyed by the church. Because I had a relationship with God built upon the foundation of my relationship with the church, rather than a relationship with the church built upon the foundation of my relationship with God, when the brokenness within the church betrayed me, the foundation of my relationship with God crumbled.

And He let it.

Because He let it, I eventually learned the lesson. He must be the point.

I see my mistake in too many American Christians. The church has become the point. The leaders of the church have replaced the Bible. We run to Christian music and Christian authors and Christian YouTube channels for insight and guidance before even considering prayer, the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For so many, the Power of God in our lives is significantly diminished because we have replaced relationship with Him with the opinions and power of people.

There is a place for great teaching. There is a need for great programming. There is a space for a Christian culture in music, the arts and entertainment. But there can be no room allowed for these things to replace an intimate personal relationship with God.

When we elevate Christianity above Christ, it is only a matter of time before that upside down house of cards collapses.

My concern is that when the collapse comes, God will be blamed rather than repentance pursued. It's what we do.

Please, take 10 minutes today to connect with God in His Word to you. And do it again tomorrow.

Now, for my reflection on this. The church is good intended, but people have flaws, and they aren't Jesus…but in serving God you can then serve the church, just make sure you get your priorities straight… #iamthird, #HIM


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