On the Brain

17 men came out to find out what was on YHC's brain this chilly October morning. Q brought his daughter's, brain looking, gourd from the house. While only 10-15 pounds the gourd went with us during our morning jaunt around ELHS. 

FNG, from Saturday (Hurricane) posted with us again, and was officially dubbed Hefty, yes like the garbage bag. Josh, Zach, oh yeah Ryan works for CPI Security (Identify Yourself!) so many names have been tossed around. Eventually, Ziplock confirmed Hefty is involved in scouts with his 2.0, which is a 2nd grader at CSES…go Colts! Not wanting to be left out of being dubbed a name after a bag, Ziplock confirmed Ryan was trash, or something like that. As I see it, "hefty, hefty, hefty" only leaves the rest "wimpy, wimpy, wimpy".

I believe, Colt (possibly messing the name up) was a PAX in attendance, but no such name here in Isotope. Regardless both Colt and Hefty need to setup an account. I am missing one more name, full apologies, please let me know if I left you off, and an edit will be made.

Warm Up


R over L

L over R

10 Cotton Pickers IC

Merkin Clock 5 IC facing N, E, S, W or 12, 3, 6, 9…and yes back to N/12 to complete the cycle

Da Thang

Indian Run, with the brain gourd held hallelujah style over head, around big lot, small circle, and down to rock pile. 

At rock pile everyone line up (again 17 PAX, wasn't ready for that size) PAX 1 down the hill with the brain, and quadraphilla back up…then to next man. All waiting begin with plank hops, a SSH in plank position, legs only…of course! After man 5, Q said to do some sort of exercise while waiting. Once finished, hit the wall for wall sits.

All done, good. Wall sits with flurry punches in air. I can't get the boxing life out of me, one day I'll bring some gloves and mits to do some sparring work.

Back to Indian Run, to loading dock.

Four rotations:

  • Group 1 – 5, each side, kick ups on the dock
  • Group 2 – In and outs
  • Group 3 – Merkins
  • Group 4 – Dips

Back to Indian Run, yes w the brain to little circle.

Split PAX, 1st half lunge walk little circle, 2nd half dips on the benches. Flip groups once complete. 

Little circle, big lot for final Indian run, brain in tow, back to Launch Pad.

6 MOM: LBC 10 IC, WWII Sit-ups 10 IC, Peter Parkers 10 IC


With so much going on, and so much on the Q’s mind, is felt fitting to bring the brain gourd for the group to share. Full intention on thinking about and putting to action plans to help those in need. Especially in our community. Q spent time last night on census numbers, of Denver, both from 2000 and 2010. Interesting that there are over 9,000 male individuals living within Denver. Given a percentage are under 5 and also 60+ there is a very big opportunity to share what we do, how it impacts not only us, but the community. Much like me, the guy who lives 20 feet from ELHS property, I had never heard of F3 until early this year. Let’s keep spreading the word, but through action as well as conversation.

I spoke about the effort to help Kim Warren, wife of fallen Fire Fighter Josh Warren, and mother of their two young children. A fall cleanup at Kim’s house (yard work) is being planned. Kim recently lost her father as well. This is a prime opportunity to show what we are made of. The men, and our 2.0s who do what many simply won’t, come out become fit in the mind and body, enjoy fellowship, and above all incorporate faith, from all different levels. To be honest the 3rd F is what I did not have in my life prior to joining.

Always a pleasure to lead, always have led on a Saturday, never a week day. I need to work on planning for a shorter time slot, and for such a large group!

Do something, be kind, and make a difference.
