16 PAX braved the Monday morning chill to for a little on the clock circuit training. The HIIT format provided 45 minutes of high heart rate, low mumble chatter.
- Mountain Climbers 15X IC
- SSH 15X IC
- Squats 10X IC
- Muricans 10X IC
- Cotton Picker 10X IC
The Thang
Four total circuits
Three exercises per circuit
Three sets of each exercise per circuit
45 seconds on, 15 seconds off per exercise
Circuit 1
- Jump Squats
- Jump Lunges
- High Knees
Circuit 2
- Parker Peter
- In-and-outs
- Semi-Circle Mountain Climbers
Circuit 3
- Broad Jump with 3 hops back
- Wall Jumps
- Step Ups
Circuit 4
- Plyo Muricans
- Burpees
- Man Maker Muricans
- YHC appreciates the PAX for starting the week off him at his old stomping grounds
- TCLAPS to two for 2.5 mile ruck and several PAX for OCR standard
- Mumble chatter was strong out of the gate until the second set of circuit one, that's when the need to breathe took over
- Legs were the prominent focus, but shoulders were smoked too, "friends don't let friends skip leg day"
- Who called this morning Fia? Really??
- Hopefully the pungent stench has been alleviated at LFC, not a good situation
- Don't forget about LFC's Men's Breakfast this Saturday at 8 a.m. Contra and I will co-Q a 7 a.m. bootcamp to ensure hunger levels are at there peak by the time we're ready to eat. The link to RSVP is here: http://lakeforest.org/event/mens-breakfast/