On the Roof with D&I

Is it ever too late for a BB?  Omaha likes to throw them up by the end of the year, so perhaps a week isn't too bad. But let me whip out my excuse matrix: I was DR and I had COVID.  Sure, didn't die and didn't go to the hospital and get on a ventilator, but it wasn't that pleasant, and figured it could wait until I came out of it. 
And here we are:


Headed down into the basement to pick up a Cindy, if needed.  Where is the best place to buy a KB anyway? 

Arm circles, forward fold, slo. wiindmill, slippery dip cans, IST, and Toy Soldier. 

Ultraman wasn't happy with a basement "no cool breeze" location, so up to the roof for…


Backs and Bis were on the menu today.  And YHC served it up with:

The Colt 45, Lawn Mowers, Bent Over Rows, Upright Rows, and KB swings.  Repeato. 

Now time for the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) portion of our workout

Around the circle, everyone must call cadence for 10 count. Post up what you did in the comments below. 

Then headed back to the parking lot for…


Low Flutter, Low Dolly. Rosealita, Sit and Reach, Forward Fold, reverse swan dive up… 



Headed to Lowe's for some Ultraman procured coffee.  Good stuff!

AOL said he would Q on 6/17 since YHC made it look so easy.  Not sure if compliment or not.  *thinking*

Hot Wax was good enough to remind YHC that he had a BB to post, and here were are. ?

Thanks again to Ultraman for the coffee!  Good stuff! 

Good to see Bel-Air out hitting it and being an inspiration to all!  

Can we get Ponch's name changed to Skynet?  I think so.  If you are ever down in Wynfiled Forest, you will see that as a choice for WiFi networks.  See YHC for password and get some. 

Good thing about being on the roof with Amen, there is always a breeze blowing. 

Baller made everything look easy… with one hand.  He killed it today. 

Gnarly Goat and Blackbeard came back fresh from the beach telling us tails of being DR.  Good times. 

The Force was just glad to have a Q, though my BB was pretty late. 

And as far as the Rona, it was unpleasant, but not really that bad.  Coffee tastes weird now, so hope that comes back. Other than that, just your aches and pains and got lots of rest and fluids.  And we're back it full of home grown antibodies, ready to cut grass and wash cars.  See you out in the gloom soon.  

TG sends, Aye *merica*


