Clem was also in the HOUSE!!!


Step 1:  Pledge of Allegiance, Disclaimer, and Intro

100 SSHs and Various COP things


The Real Thang:

40 Full Burpees

40 Jump Knee Tucks

2 Laps Down and Up and around the lot. 


35 Donkey Kicks

35 Power Plank Jumps (Half a BamBam)

35 WWIIs

1 Lap Down and Up and around the lot. 


30 Side to Side Hops

30 Jump Ups to the Curb

30 180 Deg Squats

30 Merkins

6 Hill Sprints


25 Burpees

25 Diamond Merkins

25 Mary Chatherines W's

25 Dry Docks

25 Monkey Humpers

2 Laps Down and Up and around the lot. 


Stop Half Way through the second lap for a "TIME HACK CHALLENGE"…. The PAX of 18 needed 5 men to get from the bottom of the lot up to the top, going the long way, in 25 seconds… FAILED,,,, try again.  With 30 seconds, and going down hill.  #SmokedIt


Partner 1 Planks while Partner 2 Burpee Jumps Over


Drop Set:  20, 18, 16, 14….. to 0, switching which partner does each exercise each round. 

Dying Cockroach and Jump Squats

50 more Monkey Humpers


Annoucements: BrewRuck coming Up next weekend. 

Cystic Fibrosis charity hike coming up this fall, see Cupcake for deets.

Strutter has more info on a serve opportunity also.  Ask him about it.