Once you build that momentum…. don’t change a thing

Event Date

May 11, 2024


7 hard-chargers emerged in near-perfect gloom conditions for some triathlon training.

With the “tri”-umphant tri-cry of “I really don’t wanna do this, I really don’t wanna do this, I really don’t wanna do this!” YHC leapt into the lake to lead a band of crazy aquamen into the watery unknown.  Sudz prowled the area like a waterborne border collie while Oshkosh (who was departing for a duty day) appeared in scrubs to offer support and document the proceedings with some photos.

The fleet headed north, demonstrating a variety of seaborne tactics including the “delusional doggy paddle stroke”, the “I zigged when I should zagged stroke”, the “I think I am swimming in circle stroke but I am basically swimming blind so I am not too sure of anything stroke” and even the famous “throw me a dang life jacket right now stroke”.

Next came the bike.  Spitfire and Riverboat both forgot helmets, but Spitfire put on a toboggan hat that he professed, “Sorta looks like a helmet”, and Riverboat donned an official Puma Homes hat which provides at least s0me spiritual protection and an SPF of 4.

Next came a bit of a run, which was really more of a group wobble.

Having trained ourselves up, we adjourned to the real goal of the day…. Eggs Up.  There we enjoyed some free (delicious!) donuts and learned that Full Moon has officially joined the 46 year old female running category, Spitfire never naps in the cockpit,  and that Shake was actually not dead in the parking lot.  All good news.  

It was a great morning gentlemen!  Remember… once you build that momentum, don’t change a thing. 

Respectfully submitted,

Gnarl E. Goat