One man appeared in the not-yet-raining Quarry Hood after receiving the bat call from Arizona to Q.
After a lengthy internal debate on whether to proceed with workout or decamp to Shuffletown, Q flips coin and loses. Here's what happened next.
Warm o Rama
- SSH, Front-run, Carioca, Back-run, windmills, cherrypickers, Chinook, SSH
The Thang – Elevens!
- Round 1: Burpees, run across parking lot, Mtn climbers
- Lap around the clubhouse
- Round 2: Sumo Squats and Mercans. Lap-o repeato
- Round 3: LBC and CDD
Mary – pass
- Q ran into another F3er-who-shall-remain-nameless at a local Mexican eatery Friday night and recalls hearing this F3er express his intention to post in the Quarry Hood. Q assumes absence is due to an aggressive case of MOntezuma's revenge.
- Solo fellowship embrace. Strange looks from passers-by. 2 minutes may have been over-doing it.