One leg butt kicking

warm up:

Mosey, butt kickers, high knees, walking lunges

ssh 20x, ist 15 x, ts 15x, Apollo ohno 20, standing scissor stretch

the Thang:

each pax on their own parking space line

single leg hope to end, single leg squat 15, switch leg & hop back, single leg squat 15

plank walk to end, 15 merkins with right leg up, plank walk back, 15 merkins with left leg up

mosey to area between buildings

Diamond merkins w one leg up 10x

alternating jump lunges 20

decline merkins with one leg up 10x

single leg squat 10x each leg

inclined merkins with one leg up 10x

peoples chair, 2 legs and also single leg

walking lunges

mosey to rock pile

Rock curls on one leg 10x switch legs 10x

Rock press on one leg 10x switch legs 10x

scorpion dry dock 20x

rock skull crushers on one leg 10x switch legs 10x

mosey to flag for pledge

mosey, then merkin on one leg 10x

walking lunge

single leg calf raise 15x each leg

mosey, then single leg hop, mosey back to homebase


One burpee

various Mary exercises lead by PAX


Hat Trick and Lone Star better late than never!

Outlaw thanks for the opportunity to Q even after all of my burpees on Monday and also thanks for the coffee!

Riverboat sorry about the loss of your job.

Thanks for all of the PAX that Q’ed a Mary exercise!  Now step up and sign up to Q a workout at Paininsula!

Oyster thanks for taking us out in prayer!