One means Up

Event Date

Nov 22, 2024

7 strong showed up today on this chilly morning to work their mind and body, but mainly because The General is the place to be on Fridays!  This is how it all went down:

Pledge of Allegiance


-SSH x 40 IC

-IST x 10 IC

-Long Snapper x 10 IC

-Windmill x 10 IC

-Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC

-Runners Stretch

The Thang:

Mosey to playground for Partner Murph

Each team will perform:

-100 Pull-ups

-200 Merkins

-300 Squats

-Partner A: performs exercise (any order you chose)

-Partner B: runs a lap in parking lot, flip flop until completed.

Plank until everyone is finished

Mosey to the wall

-Peoples chair with shoulder press X 10 IC

-Muhammad Ali x 20 IC                                                      

-Peoples chair with touch dem heels X 10 IC

-Muhammad Ali x 20 IC

Native American Run to Westmoreland sign

-WWII x 15 (on my up=1)

-Burpee x 10 OYO

-Monkey Humpers x 15 IC (as 4 Bangers passed by)

Back to start for Mary


-Merican time bomb starting @ 5

-Dying cockroaches x 15 IC (Holiday)

-Alphabet w/ legs (Bouncy House)


Shoutout to DeepDish, Holiday and Jazzy for allowing me to lead such a great group of guys this morning, always a honor.  It was a chilly morning, but we stayed warm, and the mumble chatter was on point.  It was great having Bouncy and Lambeau out this morning. I see Lambeau from time to time, but it’s been a few years since Bouncy’s last post…hope to see you more often.  Holiday called me out this morning when I said on my up for the WWII’s… I said one, which means up😊 Please keep JazzHands in your prayers as he just lost his dad, and also Lambeau’s brother, who just broke his neck in a reck.  DeepDish was missed this morning, so get better soon brother. 

Until we meet again,

