One PAX Two PAX Red PAX [Black and] Blue PAX

Event Date

Mar 02, 2016

On this day (3/2) in history Dr. Seuss was born (3/2/1904).  A lot of possibilities came to mind.  A repeato of Cheetah’s, A Burpee’s a Burpee no Matter how small, Hortin Hears a Hill, Seussian workout, Thing 1 and Thing 2.  So many choices…maybe even a  “The Pocket Book of Boners” Something tells me this had a different meaning in 1931.

15 IC Windmill

‘Merican Clock

Mosey over to the rock pile for Thing 1 which is a Mustang version of Horton Hears a Hill
Grab a Rock or a Block
10 IC Squatting curl
10 IC Rock Squats
10 IC Skull Crushers
Backwards up the hill x 3
10x Burpees

10 IC Low Curl
10 IC Squat Thrusters
10 IC Skull crushers
Backwards up the hill x 3
10x Burpees

Partner up for 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish and Wheelbarrow up the hill – Flapjack

Plank/pull-up/tire flip rotation – Plank in a line.  One end starts on Pull-ups (AMRAP), other end starts on tire flips (5)

Mosey over to the track for 100 yards of pain
100 Yards of Pain
25 yards Dragon Walk
25 yards Lunge Walk
25 yards Burpee-Broadjump
25 yards Backwards Lunge Walk

Wall squat/100 Yard Sprint rotation

15 IC Dr.W
15 IC Low Flutter
15 IC Freddy Mercury
15 Right Hip Dips
15 Left Hip Dips
30 Sec Mason Twist

Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.


  • Would just like to point out that Clark was there early again.  This is rare!
  • Closer is still nursing his hammy
  • Mulligan likes pull-ups.  He came out Sunday to do extra pull-ups, but forgot that he would be doing 100 of them on Monday.
  • Goodwrench shared an update on Khaleda, will be sending an email out soon.  TAPs to his family, and praise for high spirits during this time.
  • Ziplock stayed pretty quiet and just accepted his beating