One Slow Lap Around the Track

Event Date

Nov 22, 2016


Standard runs by 66, Jedi, Tantrum, Garbage Plate, and YHC.

0530: Start Time

Mosey to the Track, where I explain to the PAX how to break up the track into 50 meter segments.  This is also the part where I forgot to state the full disclaimer. 

Starting from the middle of the turn in the track, 50 meter Bear Crawl to the straighaway.

COT @ the start of the straighaway: SSHs, Cotton Pickers, and Arm Circles

50 meter Bear Crawl

Parnter up for 50 shared count Burpees (most did 25 and 25 each, one group may have done 45 and 5, S2K)

50 meter Bear Crawl

100 shared count Merkins

50 meter Bear Crawl

50 Over Head Claps, 50 Seal Claps

50 meter Bear Crawl

150 shared count Air Squats

50 meter Broad Jump Burpee

200 Flutter Kicks

50 meter Broad Jump Burpees

?? unknown reps of Full ROM Jump Squats (maybe 30-40 reps)

50 meter POWER skips right back to the spot on the track where we started

Mosey back to RBP parking lot for Mary: 2-min Plank, LBCs, WWIIs, Dying Cockroaches, Announcements, Name-A-Rama, and more Planking.


66 modified the Bear Crawls, and I'm glad he did.  Its great to see him out there, even when it would be easy for him to say, "I'm injured, can't post".  Truly inspiring. 

Garbage Plate is justly named.  Gives Toxic and BEP some competition. 

SnapOn is now known as LugNutz, at least until he shows up for a workout on time. 

Jedi, thanks for the gloves.  That much crawling on the track would have sucked with out them.  

To my old MadSci battle buddy Thor, I havn't been making it over there very often, and our paths just havn't crossed much lately.  Great to post with you again. 

Estee Lauder and Tantrum just did work this AM.  Those dudes are truly Varsity level.  Maybe next time I can get them to break a sweat. 

T-Bone, thanks for allowing me to sub-in today.  And thanks for keeping the chatter up and running throughout.