One Upped a Sad Clown

Event Date

Nov 03, 2017



One brother decided that he wasn't gonna let the Q go at it alone. Thanks Hefty. I invited everyone to come join me this morning 🙁


Warm up

25 X SSH

15 x Cotton Pickers

15 x Mtn Climbers

15 x Squats IC

The Thang

Rep 1 – 15 ICx KB swing

Rep 2 – 15 IC x KB swing left

Rep 3 – 15 IC x KB swing right

Rep 4 – 15IC x KB Row

Rep 5 – 15IC x KB skull crusher

Rep 6 – 15IC x KB right curl

Rep 7 – 15IC x KB left curl

Rep 8 – 15IC x KB trifecta (snatch)

 Rep 9 – 15IC x standing chest press

60 second Plank, rinse and repeat dropping to 10 IC, 5 IC


Russian and mason twists (mason twists with 35lb KB)… KBs passed around to allow for 30 reps on and 30 reps off – 2 rounds

15x KB out from chest Low flutter IC


Isaiah 40:29-31

 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


– prayers for Brian and Jennifer

– Prayers for Jeeves


– Hefty was War Daddy and Ziploc was War Baby …. not sure that has ever happenned for either of us 

– No Basin runners joined in despite the promise we wouldn't work legs.

– Good times this morning.