One year ago today……

……I showed up in the GCC parking lot at 0520 with BamBam and TommyBoy, who EH'd me into this ridiculous thing they call F3.  Heck, I didn't even know what the 3 F's stood for.  I see guys in F3 t-shirts with 3rd F, 2nd F, MudRun, Spartan, Ruck hats, stickers on their cars, etc., and I am thinking…WTF did I just get myself into.  Then I meet Packer, who had the "Q" (again – whatever that meant) so I thought…oh cool, another GB Packer fan.  Not the case.  So we run around the church, do something called Side Straddle Hops…I think, dude, why the weird name, they're jumping jacks?!  And then if you know Packer, what was next was an absolute chest burning mericanfest.  Guys are loud, obnoxious, trying to throw this Packer guy off his game…again, thinking WTH is going on here?  It was at the end of that workout I realized, this sh$% is for real!  And that was just the 1st F.  I quickly realized the 2nd F was even more important, and the 3rd F is where the real magic happens.  I'd always been a guy in good shape (not F3-shape of course), ran a lot, did Insanity videos 5X/week, etc. but something was different here…very different!  I was in a place before last year that i did not want to be, physically, mentally, and spirtually…and the rest is history.  One year later, I cannot imagine a week without F3 and all that comes with it.  While you don't need to know the details, believe me when I say, I am a better person now than I was one year ago!  I am a better father, husband, friend, and follower of God and the best part is, I have seen that same transformation in others.  I was the guy most people thought…"oh he's got a great, perfect, white-picket fence life….why would he do F3 other than the 1st F part of it…."  It's funny how things look on the outside!  My message is, there are other guys out there who need this, and just because they appear to be living a great life, are in shape, etc…this isn't about a 45 minute smokefest, this is about something much bigger than that!  Go find someone out there who can write the same as I am writing today one year from now!  Thank you again Bam Bam and Tommy Boy – you have truly blessed me with something I never thought would be this life changing.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff, let's get to the beatdown 🙂 

Warmorama – run around church, SSH, CPicker
Da Thang
  • Q the music – Moby "Flower"
    • Starting in plank, everytime they say "bring sally down" we go down, when they say "bring sally up", we go up.  There are many times during this annoying song he says "bring sally down.." and doesn't say up for a good 10-15 seconds.  It sucked!  I think Jedi did this at Samson once…and it still sucks!  3+ mins was #brutal
  • Circle Up KB
    • KB Swings X 25 OYO – rotate KB
    • KB High Pulls IC – rotate KB
    • KB Lawnmower pulls IC – rotate KB
    • Repeato 
  • Partner Up – even number, perfect!
  • Hellbarrows / Derkins
    • Hillbarrow Up, 10 Derkins, Hillbarrow down (partner never lets other partner's feet down)
    • Flap Jack
  • KB Goblet Squats X10IC (nice and slow…)
  • Repeato Hellbarrows / Derkins #bs
    • Hillbarrow Up, 10 Derkins, Hillbarrow down (partner never lets other partner's feet down)
    • Flap Jack
  • Freddie Mercuries X 20IC #neededtorestchest
  • Island Suicide Merkins – total of 95 mericans #thissucked
    • Run to first island and back – 15 mericans OYO
    • Second island and back – 20 mericans OYO
    • Third island and back – 25 mericans
    • repeat 20 and 15 again.  
  • Mosey over to woods
  • Low Flutter X20IC
  • Into the woods
    • Partner 1: 7 Burpee Pullups
    • Partner 2: Australian Pullups X 15 OYO
    • Repeato #thanksbagboy
  • Mosey back to KBs
  • KB Curls X20IC
  • Put KBs Away
  • COT


  • BagBoy and SpecialSauce made a special visit to GCC.  When two Pax rolled in at 0530:30 and I told the Pax we'd wait for them…they understood where I was coming from – "that's what we do in Davidson (TPR).  BTW – those two guys crushed it today as usual.  Double respect for Bagboy…man, you are a beast!
  • Thanks to Bam Bam for giving me the Q at GCC today – good to see you our there MQ!  Oh, get that log out of the way in the woods.  Your AO is getting messy 🙂 
  • Carrier twins – Caboose and Ty Webb, strong as usual!
  • Dallas – loud as usual but now that I understand #mumblechatter I respect it!
  • Glad to see Jessup came back for another round of GCC this week!  You are getting stronger for sure…well I take that back, you are already strong, but your heart is getting in better shape!  Nice work.
  • MacAulay crew – thanks again for your continue presence, you guys can always be counted on!
  • Monkey Nut was nutty enough to do a repeato Ditka Q two days in a row #respect
  • Limburger, who is going to become the new MQ at Samson, thought he would scope out the GCC AO to come up with ideas for LFC.  Note – the only thing you have better is the monkey bars…but you lack the hill!  Nice work today and so glad to see you out here after the EH i put on you last year!
  • Special thanks to Springfied and Jessup (and others if I missed you) who are Veterans and have been through more than most of us will ever know!  Your services never go unnoticed!  
  • To all the Pax, thank you again for your support and hard work today, and everyday you come out!  Now go find someone else ywho hasn't been put in the EH (that's an Emotional Headlock BTW) who needs F3…and remember, it for more than just the workout!

Until next time – Ditka's out!