One year in the books for MaryK. I want to again thank all of you that I have met and those I havent had the opportunity to meet yet for being a part of something bigger than us as individuals and being such an influential part of my life.

Enough mush.


Met at green, 515 pax joined up with us for the celebratory beatdown.

Immediately mosey to Belk Arena paring lot

Warm a Ramma: rotating calf raises, squats (40 to be exact), dry dock, plank scaptation (will define later)


The Thang:

Began at the south east corner of lot. Did a series of 3 exercises OYO; fist series was 24 reps, second 18, and third 10. Then ran around the lot back to original corner (about 400 meters). Alternate superman and low plank until the entire Pax returned

first series: Bird Dog Merkins, Squat Jump, V-up

second series: Mt. Climber Merkins, Single Leg Hip Extension Rt, 180 Degree Squat Jump

third series: Archer Merkins, Single Leg Hip Extension Lt, Sprinter Crunch

fourth series: Knee to Elbow Merkins, Burpee, Supine Knee Grabs [series cut short due to time so only did 2 sets of 20-5-10].

not so good at math but total of 206 "modified' merkins, 208reps of glute, hammy, quad work, and 124 reps of ab crushing exercises. about 1 mile run.


Mosey back to green to finish mary katherine-lbc countdown: 16-12-8-4



-Thank all of you who attended. FannyMay, LD, Loose Bit@h, Dijou, and Riptide were there but do not have account.

-Wanted to give a big thanks to my man Drum Stick for inviting me out a year ago! #gamechanger

-There was a ton of mumblechatter during warm up that quickly turned to moans and groans once the (in the words of Das Boot) murder fest began. no "10 counts" or air born mindbenders; strong work today men!

-Quote of the morning goes to Swamp Thing: "If Creeper and Chim Chim had a baby it would be MaryK." Thanks brother.