Only $40 raised for Operation Sweet Tooth, but you’ve got one more chance. . .

Event Date

Aug 11, 2018


I preblasted (and notified the pax at The General) that I would donate $10 to Operation Sweet Tooth for everyone who showed up at BRP ($20 per if I got 10 or more), but (counting YHC) we only got four (BRR training? Better offers? Summer doldrums?) Happily, they were some of my favorite people in F3, so it was a great workout. 

I will be repeating my donation commitment for next Saturday, so show up to support Operation Sweet Tooth. We'll be playing games, so there are no excuses!

Lone Star was on injured reserve due to hand/wrist issues, but saw the preblast and showed up to support the cause. He ran while we grunted and groaned, but showing up is 90% of success!

A partial list of exercises, all in greater repetitions than you would expect–or hope for (100 bent-over rows, for example): 

  • Goose Steps
  • Smerkins (Spider Man Merkins)
  • Bear Squats
  • Girl Fights
  • Pirate Ship Rides
  • Crab Toe Touches
  • Partner Rock Swaps 
  • I-hops (one-legged burpees)
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Arm-a-geddon (curls, shoulder presses, skull crushers all the way around the field)
  • Card Table Planks
  • Folding Card Table Planks
  • Card Table Swiper
  • Breakdancer from Plank
  • Home Stretch
  • Metronomes
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • Karate Kids (one-legged squats)
  • Little Baby Flutter Crunch Presses
  • Front Shoulder Raises
  • Fruit Roll-Ups
  • Partner Watermelon Crushes
  • Jacknifes
  • Superman Pulses
  • (I'm sure I missed a few.)

Gnarly Goat took us out and all but Waffle House joined the Pax at Waterbean, where Lone Star and others stayed with YHC to discuss technology, bitcoin, and what we did on our summer vacations.