Only 6 men came……..but did the work of 12 soldiers!

Event Date

Sep 13, 2016



Jog half way down front road

IST x 20ic

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Windmill x 20 IC

Jog (slow Mosey) to Rock Pile

Curls x 10ic / Front press x 10ic / Skull Crusher x 10ic

Jog (slow Mosey)  to bottom Pavilion

5 Burpees

10 merkins / 5 burpees

15 CDD / 10 merkins /5 Burpees

20 dips / 15 CDD / 10 merkins / 5 Burpees

25 Squats / 20 dips / 15 CDD / 10 merkins / 5 Burpees

1 min plank / 25 Squats / 20 dips / 15 CDD /10 merkins / 5 Burpees

35 Mason Twists / 1 min plank / 25 Squats / 20 dips / 15 CDD/ 10 merkins  5 Burpees

40 SSH / 35 Mason Twists / 1 min plank / 25 Squats / 20 dips / 15 CDD /10 Merkins / 5 Burpees

45 LBC's /40 SSH/ 35 Mason twists /1 min plank/25 Squats/20 dips /15 CDD /10 merkins / 5 Burpees

Jog (slow Mosey)  back to parking lot

Crunchy Frogs x 10ic


Congrats to Full Moon and Carpet Bagger for running in the BRR.

Sure glad BRR is over so we can get back to normal workouts again!! Just sayin

Great to see Schneider out there….bum knee and all and he still gets after it! 

Great to have Boarhog with us this moring…….he always gets after it. Hope to see you out at the Viking more often!!

I have to mention "The Geek". Just did….so there

We did a non running workout in honor of BRR folks who seem to be a little worn out stiil.

As always…'s a honor to lead you guys. I always leave the AO "inspired"!